Early Christian Basilica of San Lorenzo


opening days and times Prices Rules for visitors

On Saturday 18 May and Sunday 19 May 2024, on the occasion of International Museum Day promoted by ICOM, it will be possible to access for free.

Site included in the Aosta archeologica cumulative ticket

Under the village’s old parish church, archaeological diggings brought to light the early Christian cruciform basilica, indicated as Concilium Sanctorum , the Assembly of Saints because it was built on the tombs of some of the early martyrs who were buried in the Roman cemetery area which in itself was built on a protohistoric funeral settlement.
Inside you can see parts of the liturgical structures, the relic platform with the tombs of three bishops who lived between the V and VI centuries (Grato, Agnello, Gallo) and other tomb chambers dating from between the V and VIII centuries.


Chiesa di San Lorenzo
Piazza Sant'Orso
11100 AOSTA (AO)

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Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

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Aosta - Piazza Chanoux

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