Co-operative wine-growers' associations

Cave Mont Blanc de Morgex et La Salle

Cave Mont Blanc de Morgex et La Salle

Produces one of the highest white wines in Europe.

Co-Enfer Cooperative

Co-Enfer Cooperative

The quality of the land and its high exposure to the sun allows them to produce wines with character.

Cave des Onze Communes

Cave des Onze Communes

Its vineyards, spread over eleven villages, cover an area of 57 hectares.

La Crotta di Vegneron

La Crotta di Vegneron

Its production is distinguished by manual processes and the valorization of traditional and indigenous vines. 

La Kiuva

La Kiuva

Its wide range of products includes 8 DOC wines, 3 table wines and 2 liqueurs.

Caves cooperatives de Donnas

Caves cooperatives de Donnas

The local territory boasts a vine-growing tradition that dates back to medieval times.


Tourist Areas
Tourist Areas

Mont Blanc

Gran Paradiso

Great Saint Bernard

Aosta and surroundings


Monte Rosa

Central Valley